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Hanwha continues to grow by quickly anticipating and responding to rapidly changing business environments with a balanced business portfolio that includes aerospace, energy & materials,
finance and retail & services. As of 2022, we are the seventh largest business enterprise in South Korea
and a Fortune Global 500 company. Our affiliates are becoming global leaders in their arenas
by strengthening core competitiveness and securing future growth engines
based on sound financial structures.
168极速赛车查询开奖记录 Products & Services
For more than 71 years, Hanwha has led economic growth and helped change
the world with ceaseless innovation. Now, we are building on our achievements
in business areas including aerospace, energy & materials, finance and retail & services.
Going forward, we will continue to embrace bold challenges that offer people more prosperous lives, more secure communities and a more sustainable future for the planet.
- 168极速赛车查询开奖记录 Aerospace, Ocean & Mechatronics We provide solutions to create sustainable infrastructure on Earth and in space by innovating proprietary aerospace technologies.
- Materials A circular economy that facilitates efficient and eco-friendly use of resources is now a pressing global priority. In response, Hanwha is taking the lead in fast-tracking carbon neutrality and promoting a sustainable….
- Green Energy Hanwha is ramping up its response to the challenges of climate change as green energy becomes a global necessity. As a comprehensive green energy solutions provider, we are pioneering future markets by combining our….
- Finance As a leader in the digital innovation of the financial industry, Hanwha aims to generate sustainable prosperity as we help our customers and society grow.
- Retail & Services With robust online and offline platforms in engineering & construction (E&C) and retail & services, Hanwha sustains the lifestyles and dreams of customers.
168极速赛车查询开奖记录+查询168赛车官方开奖历史记录 Global Footprint
From China, the Americas and Europe to emerging markets in Southeast Asia and the Middle East,
our goal is to support local operations, embrace the skills of emerging workforces and provide greater value and prosperity to the world.