2022 New Year's Message from Chairman Kim

2022 New Year's Message from Chairman Kim

Dear Hanwha Family,

The dawn of the new year is upon us. This year is especially meaningful to us, as it marks Hanwha Group's 70th anniversary. Let us take a moment to reflect on the passion and challenging spirit that defined our beginnings, and embrace that spirit once again to take a great leap forward to the future. A leap that will take Hanwha to its 100th year and beyond.

Last year, the global pandemic and other crises continued to spread uncertainty around the world. Despite these difficulties, each and every one of you endured by working tirelessly and staying committed. Thanks to your efforts, we were able to secure our foundation for future growth.

2022 will be another important year for us. This will be the year for us to overcome the stagnant atmosphere that has pervaded our society and bring a sense of normalcy back to our daily lives. To do this, we will need to go beyond efforts to return things to normal and accelerate the great transformation that will lead us to an exciting new future. Now is the time to take on bolder challenges and innovate with a sense of mission and confidence, believing that each step we take today will help build a brighter tomorrow.

To realize that future, we must accelerate the development of our new businesses while continuing to pursue other opportunities that could be key to Hanwha’s growth.

We must continue to make bold investments in promising new technologies, and in new fields of business that will help us realize a more sustainable future. When it comes to new businesses in particular, we must make swift decisions and follow through with strong actions to secure market dominance before anyone else and to strengthen our leadership in new technologies.

We must work with confidence and a sense of purpose to ensure that future businesses, such as aerospace, green energy and digital finance, grow to become our core businesses within a short period of time. At the same time, we must strengthen our existing businesses’ market leadership and continue to grow through endless innovation. To those in our construction and service divisions, I ask that you not only continue to focus on your areas of expertise, but also on areas such as complex development and premium businesses, which will further enhance synergy with other affiliates.

And let us not forget that the path forward needs to be driven by outstanding individuals who can lead the way toward Hanwha's 100th anniversary and beyond.

The competition to acquire the best talent is increasingly intensifying. At Hanwha, we need to aggressively invest in the recruitment and development of talented individuals who will improve the health of our existing businesses and drive the development of future businesses. We must also foster a flexible corporate culture where employees can thrive through their performance, as well as a fair and systematic means for managing people. Because after all, the best people will make Hanwha the best company it can be.

Lastly, let's do our best to do our part as responsible members of society.

Our roles and responsibilities as corporate citizens are becoming increasingly important to solving global issues such as climate change. Drawing from the deep sense of responsibility that comes with our 70-year history, we must lead the way in building a brighter future for all. Furthermore, we must instill a culture that is based on ethical management and the spirit of sharing to ensure that our ESG-focused management and “Going Further Together” philosophy can be practiced in a way that reflects Hanwha’s first-class values.

Dear Hanwha Family, an old proverb says that the stronger the wind, the stronger we must pull the string of our bow. No amount of wind can stop us from overcoming challenges and making our dreams come true. With this in mind, guided by our inherent drive to make progress and our proven ability to overcome crises, let us build a new history together that will carry Hanwha to its 100th year and beyond.

Thank you.

January 3, 2022

Seung Youn Kim
Hanwha Group

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