Chairman Seung Youn Kim Meets With the Chairman of the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation

The Hanwha Group Chairman Seung Youn Kim (Left),
the former President of the Heritage Foundation Edwin J. Feulner Jr. (Right)

On October 10th, the Hanwha Group Chairman Seung Youn Kim met the Chairman of the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation (the former President of the Heritage Foundation) Edwin J. Feulner Jr. at THE PLAZA in Seoul to discuss Hanwha global businesses and ways in which to pursue non-governmental diplomacy in a number of areas including Korea-U.S economic relations and international relations (economic and political) of the Korean Peninsula.

During the meeting, Chairman Kim and Chairman Feulner discussed the U.S. Government policy on renewable energy, a global topic following the Paris climate agreement last year. The two also discussed ways for the Hanwha Group and other global companies to expand their presence in the renewable energy field.

Founded in 1973, the Heritage Foundation is one of the most influential conservative think tanks in the United States that have been key to shaping American policies on politics, the economy, foreign affairs, and the national security. As both a Founding Trustee of the Heritage Foundation and its president, Chairman Feulner has been instrumental in researching and promoting policies to strengthen America – its economy and society.

In 2011 the foundation named the conference center on the 2nd floor of the Heritage Foundation Pennsylvania Avenue Building in Washington, D.C., the “Kim Seung Youn Conference Center” to thank Chairman Kim for his contribution to bilateral non-governmental diplomacy.

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