Hanwha Column_Engaging the Future

ENGAGING THE FUTURE Why Community Involvement is a True Win-Win

Companies that are committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) are experiencing positive changes in the reactions from consumers. According to a survey conducted by Cone Communications and Echo Research in May 2013, 82 percent of all American consumers said that a company’s CSR activities had an impact on their decision to purchase its products and services.

Companies engaged in active CSR initiatives forge close relationships with local residents and secure loyal long-term customers, eventually helping the company’s bottom line and generating greater value in a virtuous cycle.

This relationship is changing the face of CSR, and many global companies that had merely sponsored activities in the past are evolving to connect outreach with their strategies and business goals. Let’s take a look at some exemplary cases.

Cathay Pacific
Cathay Pacific

Hong Kong-based carrier Cathay Pacific leverages its business capabilities in a program to nurture young talent in regional communities.

Since 2003, the airline has been offering the “I CAN FLY” training program for students from low-income families aspiring to work in the aviation industry. Pilots and employees of the company have volunteered to provide flight, engineering, and service training. Every year, hundreds of graduates come out of the program that nurtures talent and advances the development of the aviation industry in the region while also to solidifying Cathay Pacific’s status as Hong Kong’s leading airline.


For Nescafé, activities designed to contribute to communities and generate social value have led to higher profits for the company.

The global food company adopted its rural area development program, “Nescafé Plan,” in 2010. At the time, small coffee famers were suffering from a decline in profitability as coffee prices remained low for a sustained period. Nestlé responded by providing farmers with high-quality plants and technical assistance. As a result of higher quality yield, farmers were able to make higher profits, while Nestlé was able to secure reliable supplies of superior coffee. At the end, Nestlé’s CSR activity brought about a win-win result for both the community and the company.

Hanwha Forges Friendly Relationships with Communities through CSR Activities

Hanwha is also engaged in diverse social responsibilities designed to leverage their own specialized business capabilities and expertise for the community as a whole.

  • Hanwha Techwin Europe donates security solution to charity
    Hanwha Techwin Europe donates security solution to charity

    Hanwha Techwin helped transform England’s Blackpool Carers Centre, a previously theft-ridden place, into a vibrant and safe space for young caregivers. The Blackpool Carers Centre had suffered from break-ins due to weak security systems, threatening the safety of its staff. However, its new reliable, cutting-edge security solution has prevented trespassing and created a safe working environment. Hanwha Techwin, together with other security solution providers, donated security equipment to the Centre building that had been under renewal at the time to create a safe environment. This improved the lives of many more the children and young people in need of the Centre’s services. Hanwha Techwin’s donation benefits not only this one charitable organization but also the wider regional community.

  • Hanwha Life Vietnam sponsors health insurance cards for the poor
    Hanwha Life Vietnam sponsors health insurance cards for the poor

    The low-income sector in Nghe An, Vietnam, was not able to enjoy healthcare services due to high burdens of paying for the services. Hanwha Life has been sponsoring those unable to afford health insurance in Nghe An, Vietnam since 2014. The initiative has helped improve the health of local residents and raise quality of life. The people of Nghe An now can afford to look into the future and dream of a better life. Hanwha Life’s health insurance cards are empowering the residents of the community to be more independent while living their own lives.

  • Hanwha supported education and public services in  Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda
    Hanwha supported education and public services in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda

    Since 2008, Hanwha has been supporting underdeveloped Africa regions to fulfill its social responsibility as a global company. The company conducted provided development support in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda to improve quality of life for local residents. In 2011, Hanwha built and donated seven classrooms, administrative offices, and a faculty dormitory for Muyagu Primary School in Uganda, making the dreams of over 500 local students come true.

  • Hanwha  Solar Forests to combat desertification around the world
    Hanwha Solar Forests to combat desertification around the world

    Hanwha is working to prevent desertification in an entertaining and engaging way. When video game players of Tree Planet, a UNCCD-certified mobile game, plant virtual trees, Hanwha plants real trees. Through Tree Planet, Hanwha planted 230,000 trees in the nature conservation area in Tuijin Nars of Mongolia, creating the first Hanwha Solar Forest in 2012. In September 2013, the second Solar Forest was planted in the Mu Us Desert of Lingwu City, China. For this project, Hanwha also donated an entire solar photovoltaic plant to grow 200,000 trees in a nursery powered by solar panels. Hanwha introduced its third and fourth Solar Forest at an elementary school in Seoul, South Korea in 2014 and in Inchuan, China in 2015. In 2016, Hanwha added another Solar Forest in Seosan, South Korea. Altogether, 490,000 trees have been planted on 1.16 million square meters to date.

  • Hanwha donates solar energy facilities to communities
    Hanwha donates solar energy facilities to communities

    Hanwha supports sustainable energy use in every community by leveraging the expertise it has gained from the vertical integration of our solar businesses. Hanwha’s most renowned program is the Happy Sunshine campaign. Through this program, Hanwha donated solar power generation systems to community welfare centers in South Korea. It has installed systems at 146 centers, generating a total of about 1,023 KW of solar energy. Hanwha also operates the Happy Sunshine program overseas, donating solar power generation systems to elementary schools in underprivileged areas in China. It installed 30 KW rooftop photovoltaic equipment in two elementary schools, one in Hubei and one in Qinghai, China.

Besides these initiatives, there are diverse forms of social activities which help forge friendly relationships with local communities and deliver value to society:

  • Volunteer activities
    Volunteer activities

    Regular volunteer activities

  • Education

    Construction and remodeling of
    schools and libraries, training aids
    and scholarships, educational
    programs, etc.

  • Volunteer activities
    Regular donations

    One-on-one employee
    matching grants,
    welfare facilities provided
    by offices

  • Food aid
    Food aid

    Drinking water development,
    education on hygiene,
    food and meal aid, etc.

  • Healthcare

    Construction and renovation of
    hospitals, medical care and
    medicine support, nutritional
    support for babies and mothers, etc.

  • Environmental improvement
    Environmental improvement

    Improvement of living environments,
    e.g. houses, prevention
    of desertification, preservation
    of cultural assets

  • Emergency relief
    Emergency relief

    Providing food and other
    emergency aid to regions
    affected by disasters, e.g. typhoon,
    earthquake, flood, etc.

A company’s sincere engagement in socially responsible activities creates a virtuous cycle by benefitting both the company’s businesses and the regional community. It leads to positive relationships with the community, improves corporate image, and contributes to higher profits in the long term.

Hanwha will be able to further grow and prosper together with communities around the world by staying committed to sustainable CSR activities that give hope to people for a better life and offer tangible benefits to communities.

Hanwha encourages local offices and businesses with an interest in CSR activities in local society to participate in the movement.
If you would like to share CSR stories from your office or have any inquiries, please contact us at newsletter@hanwha.com

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