Hanwha Global Reporters Keep Honing Their Craft

Wherever you are, the Hanwha Newsletter is your best source for Hanwha News. Behind each month’s issue, Hanwha Global Reporters are hard at work collecting stories from every corner of the world.

In October of 2019, Hanwha Global Reporters from 23 locations across 10 countries gathered in Seoul for their annual Hanwha Global Communications Workshop.

The Global Reporters were able to deepen their understanding about Hanwha, as well as how to further support the global communications initiatives and direction. They attended lectures on “purpose leadership” and workshopped together on how to conduct more effective interviews. They also began preparations for the launch of the Hanwha PROUD Campaign 2019.

This workshop was a great opportunity for everyone to network and meet in person. It was also a chance for the Global Reporters to learn more about Hanwha by touring various Hanwha facilities in Korea.

Check out the video above to see how they keep their skills sharp as they help build and maintain Hanwha’s global reputation.

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