Hanwha Broadcasting Center On Air

Hanwha Broadcasting Center On Air

Headlines for March 2020


1. [Hanwha Defense Affiliates] Participated in DefExpo, India’s Largest Defense Exhibition

DefExpo, which has its 11th anniversary this year, is the largest defense exhibition in India, with 1,000 companies from over 70 countries participating.

Hanwha’s defense affiliates, Hanwha Corporation, Hanwha Defense, and Hanwha Systems, participated in the largest scale among Korean companies to target India and Southwest Asia.

Hanwha’s defense affiliates participated in the international defense exhibition ’DefExpo 2020’, held in Lucknow, India, and opened an integrated booth of 250 square meters to introduce the latest ground weapon systems and advanced defense electronics products for the Indian market.

We hope that Hanwha’s defense business will expand globally by actively targeting the Indian defense market, which is expected to grow rapidly.

2. [LIFEPLUS: Hanwha Financial Division’s Brand] Won the iF Design Award

LIFEPLUS has gained worldwide recognition not only in finance but also in design!

Following last year’s Red Dot Design Award, LIFEPLUS won the main prize at this year’s iF Design Awards, winning two of the world's top three design awards.

It received excellent reviews for interpreting the value of ’finance that makes customers’ lives better’ into symbols, logotypes, fonts, and goods as an active life.

LIFEPLUS will continue to pursue activities that allow customers to directly experience and share brand values beyond design.

3. [Hanwha Precision Machinery] Participated in the IPC APEX Exhibition

Hanwha Precision Machinery participated in IPC APEX, the largest SMT exhibition in North America, held every year in San Diego. It was a good opportunity to promote the excellence of Hanwha brand products in the North American market.

The main product that Hanwha Precision Machinery exhibited at this IPC APEX was the HM520, a high-speed chip mounter.

In particular, the technology of Hanwha Precision Machinery, which is highly optimized for 5G, aviation/defense, and the latest display and consumer electronics, has received great acclaim from customers in the North American market who visited the exhibition.

Hanwha Precision Machinery, which is strengthening its presence not only in South Korea but also in North America market! Hanwha Precision Machinery will continue to make efforts to implement 24/7 seamless smart process in the SMT line!

Headlines for March 2020
  1. 1. [Hanwha Defense Affiliates] Participated in DefExpo, India’s Largest Defense Exhibition
  2. 2. [LIFEPLUS: Hanwha Financial Division’s Brand] Won the iF Design Award
  3. 3. [Hanwha Precision Machinery] Participated in the IPC APEX Exhibition

Archive for Hanwha Broadcasting Center
Headlines for June 2018

Headlines for June 2018


1. [Hanwha Life] Held the 2018 Annual Awards Ceremony

The Annual Awards Ceremony, a ceremony that honors the effort and passion of those FPs who have accomplished outstanding results during the year, celebrated its 34th year. This year’s ceremony was held at Kintex.

When the Group acquired the company back in 2002, the total asset value of HLI was only 29 trillion won. But the company has achieved remarkable growth, holding a total asset value of 110.3 trillion won as of February this year. The company is evaluated as a top-class company, not only for its sizable growth, but also for its stability and profitability.

Meanwhile, Chairman Kim expressed his appreciation to those FPs who played leading roles in achieving outstanding results. He also gave a warm and encouraging message that increasing ‘our passion by one degree’ will certainly be able to touch the customers.

The recipient of the Queen Award, the highlight of this ceremony, was also announced. The award went to Jung Mi-kyung, who has won the award 10 times and for eight consecutive years.

Unprecedented sales performance and FPs’ passion to satisfy customers are continuing. We support the FPs who are the energetic drivers of young Hanwha. We congratulate again those winners.

2. [Hanwha Group] Established a branch office in Washington D.C.

The Group established a branch office in Washington D.C., taking one step closer to becoming a global defense company and targeting the biggest defense market in the world, the U.S. Washington D.C. is a place of action for people in defense industries around the world. It is an ideal location to conduct businesses with governments and with global aviation and defense companies.

Through the opening of the branch office in Washington D.C., the Group is now able to conduct business more effectively. The five Hanwha defense companies have already begun searching for exploring cooperative business opportunities with other global defense companies.

The new branch office will be managed by the vice president, Bernard Champoux, who was hired last year. In his speech at the opening, Mr. Champoux said that the U.S. is the largest defense market, but it has been blocked by a high barrier. He said he was confident, however, that the establishment of the new branch office in D.C. would create many opportunities for Hanwha.

The Group is planning to increase revenue from its defense affiliates to 12 trillion won by 2025 by entering the U.S. market and becoming one of the top-10 global defense companies.

3. [Hanwha Group] Held 2018 WITH (Workplace in tomorrow Hanwha) conference

The Group continuously strives to embrace the changing organizational culture of ‘Young Hanwha’ and make Hanwha ‘A great company to work for’. Hence, the Group held the 2018 WITH conference and shared outstanding cases of organizational culture improvement activities that reflected the unique characteristics of each business. And the award was given to an outstanding case.

The WITH conference began in 2014 to propose a roadmap for the professional growth of talented female employees. But the conference expanded its original purpose and became ‘Hanwha, where diversity is respected’ in 2015, and ‘establishment of young and future oriented organizational culture’ in 2017.

The 4th WITH conference was held to establish a new organizational culture and create ‘A great company to work for’ by sharing and conducting activities to build a culture that reflects each business’ unique environment and characteristics.

The Group is planning to provide continuous support to the WITH conference so that it doesn’t remain as only a one-time event, but it becomes an event that contributes greatly to changing the organizational culture from a long-term stand point. We hope that everyone from the working level to the top management takes active role in the movement to make Hanwha a great company to work for.

4. [Hanwha Corporation] Received the Achievement Award at the KLPGA 40th Year Anniversary

The Korea Ladies Professional Golf Association (KLPGA) has a history of supporting women golfers who have displayed their passion and met challenges in Korea and abroad. The association held a ceremony to celebrate its 40th anniversary, and Hanwha Corporation was honored to receive the achievement award at the event in recognition of the company’s efforts in the development of women’s professional golf in Korea.

Hanwha Corporation, recipient of the achievement award, announced that they will take this award as a directive to continue to support the development of Korean women’s golf. And the company promised to create an environment where rising stars in Korean women’s golf can become world-class players.

The Hanwha Q CELLS Golf Team, which was re-launched this year with a new name, had a total of 22 wins, 11 wins from the LPGA and 8 wins, from the KLPGA since the team’s establishment in 2011. Notably, they had a total of 10 wins from the top three major tournaments in Korea, the U.S., and Japan. We cheer for the Hanwha Q CELLS Golf Team and all other Korean women golfers that have surprised the world with their persistent effort and willingness to take on challenges.

5. [Hanwha Defense Affiliates] Invited foreign military attachés to visit Hanwha facilities

The Ministry of Defense is carrying out a national security inspection for foreign military attachés. They visited military security sites and defense industry facilities. On May 15th, foreign military attachés and their families visited the Hanwha Land Defense and Hanwha Defense Changwon Plant to witness the Korean defense industry in action.

With a request from the Ministry of Defense, 28 foreign military attachés and their family members, representing 26 countries including the U.S., Germany, and Philippines, were invited. Shin Hyun-woo, CEO of Hanwha Aerospace gave a welcoming speech. His speech was followed by an introduction of products, a factory tour, and product demonstrations.

The foreign military attachés looked around the automated production lines of Hanwha Defense and Hanwha Land Defense. And they observed first-hand world-class defense technology, and various products. Moreover, the company prepared puzzles that were made with K9 BIHO (Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Defense System) images and hand-made chocolates with printed images of the defense affiliates’ main products.

With this visit as momentum, we hope that Hanwha’s defense technology, which represents Korea’s defense industry, continues to expand its presence in the world.

Headlines for June 2018
  1. 1. Hanwha Life - Held the 2018 Annual Awards Ceremony
  2. 2. Hanwha Group - Established a branch office in Washington D.C.
  3. 3. Hanwha Group - Held 2018 WITH (Workplace in tomorrow Hanwha) conference
  4. 4. Hanwha Corporation - Received the Achievement Award at the KLPGA 40th Year Anniversary
  5. 5. Hanwha Defense Affiliates - Invited foreign military attachés to visit Hanwha facilities
Headlines for May 2018

Headlines for May 2018


1. [Hanwha Group] Attended the Boao Forum for Asia

The Boao Forum for Asia, known as the Asian version of the Davos Forum, was held in Hainan, China on April 8th and was attended by the world‘s economic and political leaders. During the forum, the Group was first among Korean companies to organize one of the official sessions.

The theme of this year’s forum was “An Open and Innovative Asia for a Greater Prosperity.” The Group has participated in the forum for five consecutive years. Through the forum, they have expanded their understanding of China and Southeast Asia, and carried out private economic diplomacy activities as they strengthen their global networks.

Particularly, Kim Dong Won, Hanwha Life Insurance’s Chief Innovation Officer, who was selected as a Young Business Leader at the 2017 Boao Forum, attended a discussion hosted by the president of China, Xi Jinping, being recognized as a next-generation leader in Asia. He was invited to the meeting where he communicated with about 50 world business leaders.

Meanwhile, the Group organized a round-table discussion entitled: “Blockchain: Theory, Technology & Application.“ The participants, professionals in business and academia, had a heated discussion about the possibility of growth and formation of a global ecosystem for emerging blockchain technologies.

The Group will continue their interchange with global fintech companies, start-ups, and blockchain professionals and focus on expanding their networks in this area. Also they will expand their presence in the global market as they strengthen their position as a bridge between companies and start-ups.

2. [Hanwha Aerospace] Held Inauguration Ceremony for Hanwha Aerospace

On April 1, Hanwha Techwin changed its name to Hanwha Aerospace, and its Security Business Group was separated from Hanwha Techwin at the annual shareholders’ meeting. The inauguration ceremony for Hanwha Aerospace was held on April 3rd at their headquarters in Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo province.

CEO Shin said that with the name change to Hanwha Aerospace, the company now has a solid identity as an aviation company. He also emphasized that all employees must work together to achieve the vision of “Becoming the No.1 Global Partner in Aircraft Engines.”

Hanwha Aerospace now has five subsidiaries: Hanwha Land Systems, Hanwha Power Systems, Hanwha Precision Machinery, Hanwha Systems with four existing business units, and Hanwha Techwin, the new name of the Security Business Group of Hanwha Techwin.

Hanwha Aerospace has been the only gas turbine engine manufacturer for Korean fighter jets and helicopters in Korea. We hope to see Hanwha Aerospace soaring into the sky as a global aircraft engine manufacturer.

3. [Hanwha Life] Opened a new DreamPlus center in Seoul, Korea

Hanwha Life Insurance opened DreamPlus Gangnam for the purpose of vitalizing a startup ecosystem. 

The DreamPlus Gangnam is a place where large corporations and startups can network with each other, and investors can find startups with potential. It is the largest office sharing space in the Gangnam area, with a total of 15 stories with 2,500 seats available. About 90 startups and related organizations, innovation teams from large corporations, and investors have already moved in.

Through the establishment of DreamPlus Gangnam, Hanwha Life Insurance is planning to expand the startup ecosystem and develop open innovation models through cooperation with other companies. We look forward to seeing the DreamPlus Gangnam become a hub connecting elements of the the startup ecosystem.

4. [Hanwha General Insurance] Held the 2017 Annual Awards Ceremony

Hanwha General Insurance held their 2017 Annual Award ceremony on April 11th at the Kintex grand ballroom. At the ceremony, over 380 people, including employees, award recipients, and consumer evaluators attended and enjoyed the festival together.

This year’s insurance king was Ham Sung-dae, an FP from Cheongju branch who has won the title for two consecutive years. He has achieved a cumulative retention rate of 94.2% with an annual revenue of 2.7 billion won by focusing on selling property damage insurance and group accident insurance for small companies.

Park Yun-sik, CEO of Hanwha General Insurance congratulated those who received awards for achieving outstanding results by spreading the true value of insurance. And he promised to establish an organizational culture that allows the company to grow again this year with a sales goal captured in the phrase, ‘a whole family of complete coverage’, which is about impressing the customers with the options available to them.

We will cheer for those FPs working for Hanwha General Insurance in a fierce sales environment while keeping their smiles and trying to impress their customers at the same time.

5. [Hanwha Group] Celebrates its 30th year of 2018 Classic Festival with Hanwha

The 30th Orchestra Festival with Hanwha began with an even greater number of programs this year. This year’s theme was ‘Festival,’ and it was prepared in such a way that people could enjoy a festive atmosphere during what has become the best orchestra festival in Korea.

17 orchestras in Korea and the Taiwan Philharmonic, one of the top symphonies in Asia, performed a total of 18 times.

This year’s festival celebrated its 30th year with a special event on the eve of the festival’s opening. 50 musicians who are actively performing in Korea and abroad organized a wind symphony conducted by Kim Young-ryul, a hornist. Their performance on the eve of the festival’s opening announced its beginning, and it was followed by a special performance from the Hanwha Employee Choir and added a different flavor to the festival.

During the last 30 years, the Orchestra Festival has emerged as the best and the largest classical music festival in Korea. We hope to see the world-class performances and various repertories of Orchestra at the Orchestra Festival with Hanwha every year.

Headlines for May 2018
  1. 1. Hanwha Group - Attended the Boao Forum for Asia
  2. 2. Hanwha Aerospace - Held Inauguration Ceremony for Hanwha Aerospace
  3. 3. Hanwha Life - Opened a new DreamPlus center in Seoul, Korea
  4. 4. Hanwha General Insurance - Held the 2017 Annual Awards Ceremony
  5. 5. Hanwha Group - Celebrates its 30th year of 2018 Classic Festival with Hanwha
Headlines for April 2018

Headlines for April 2018


1. Hanwha Group - Was covered by the media for its fireworks show and the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics torch
2. Hanwha Group & Hanwha Eagles - Received People's Choice Advertising Awards
3. Hanwha Group - Reopened its employee communication channel website, Channel H Plus
4. Hanwha Systems - Held a dedication ceremony of the largest antenna system testing facility 
5. Hanwha Affiliates - Participated in the exhibitions held throughout the world

[Hanwha Group] Was covered by the media for its fireworks show and the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics torch
[Hanwha Group & Hanwha Eagles] Received People's Choice Advertising Awards
[Hanwha Group] Reopened its employee communication channel website, Channel H Plus
[Hanwha Systems] Held a dedication ceremony of the largest antenna system testing facility 
[Hanwha Affiliates] Participated in the exhibitions held throughout the world

1. [Hanwha Group] Was covered by the media for its fireworks show and the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics torch

The flame symbolizing the Olympic spirit blazed again at the Paralympics. Technology met people while people met each other through the torch made by Hanwha Corporation. The story of the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics torch relay was also made into a documentary by SBS Sunday Special.

Furthermore, the MBC News Desk covered the story of the fireworks that opened the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics, along with a story of Hanwha employees who worked with passion behind the scenes. This coverage helped many viewers see that the beautiful fireworks were possible thanks to the dedication of many people working on the installation behind the scenes.

We congratulate those athletes who participated in the Paralympics who had the flames of dream, hope, and challenge in their heart.

2. [Hanwha Group & Hanwha Eagles] Received People's Choice Advertising Awards

Hanwha Group and the Hanwha Eagles were recognized for presenting Hanwha's unique, warm emotions from the only award in Korea that allows consumers to select the award recipients.

The Hanwha Eagles received the grand prize in an online category, which is the highest award of the People's Choice Advertising Awards for their campaign called 'A Word Didn't Exist in the World'. This campaign was a project in which the Hanwha Eagles made sign language for an amateur baseball team for deaf people. The Hanwha Eagles' effort to help everyone enjoy playing baseball in a fair and equal way and live happier lives through baseball delivered a warm message to consumers' hearts.

Meanwhile, the Group received an award in the print category for their Happy Sunshine campaign, a social contribution program that assisted social welfare organizations by installing solar power generating facilities. Moreover, the Group delivered the meaning of the flame that Hanwha is pursuing in a radio campaign called, 'What is your flame?' This campaign has been recognized for effectively conveying the company's value and friendly nature.

Additionally, another Hanwha Group's promotional video was honored to receive a first prize for the first time among Korean companies in the promotional video category at the Mercury Awards, which is one of the world's top three awards for advertising.

The Group's brochure already had received a Mercury Award once. Hanwha's ability continues to be recognized not only in Korea but also in the world as they have also received both ASTRID and ARC Awards.

3. [Hanwha Group] Reopened its employee communication channel website, Channel H Plus

From offering Hanwha Group news and organizational culture to trendy contents, Channel H has functioned as a channel of communication for Hanwha employees. Now Channel H has reopened its website with a new name, Channel H Plus, adding the value of Hanwha employees' personal growth through education.

First, it has adopted an easily viewable interface so that users can navigate the website and find content easily. Users of Channel H Plus can also access the site from their mobile devices.

Before everything else, the biggest feature of Channel H Plus is that Hanwha employees will have access to high quality educational content for their self-improvement. Leaders can share and interact with their employees through this content. Employees can become trendy Hanwha members who respond proactively to change through self-study and self-development. We look forward to seeing Channel H Plus take its place in our daily lives.

4. [Hanwha Systems] Held a dedication ceremony of the largest antenna system testing facility

Hanwha Systems held a dedication ceremony for the new antenna system testing facility on March 15th at their R&D Center in Yongin. 60 people, including Chang Si-kwon, CEO of Hanwha Systems, the president of Agency of Defense Development, and officials from DAPA attended the ceremony.

Over the last 35 years, Hanwha Systems has been accumulating radar development competencies for the Army, Navy, and Air Force by adopting technologies and by means of localization. The company recently built the largest and the most technologically advanced antenna testing facility exclusively for the purpose of near-field measurement in order to expand investment in developing an active, electronically-scanned array antenna, which is an essential step toward securing advanced radar technology.

This new antenna testing facility is going to carry out the testing of multifunction radar for a long-range surface-to-air missile, which is at the center of the Korea Anti-Missile Defense system. And this facility is going to test an active, electronically-scanned array antenna for multipurpose radar, which will be installed on a next generation frigate (FFX-III) in the near future. They are also going to take on large and complex research projects on next- generation radars for land, marine, air, and anti-satellite weapon systems.

[Hanwha Affiliates] Participated in the exhibitions held throughout the world

The last news is the story of Hanwha affiliates that have participated in various exhibitions around the world during the month of March. Hanwha Q CELLS participated in the PV EXPO 2018 in Japan. Affiliates in the defense industry participated in the AFED 2018, a defense exhibition held in Saudi Arabia. And Hanwha Advanced Materials participated in the JEC World 2018.

Hanwha Q CELLS participated in the PV EXPO 2018 at Tokyo Big Sight in Japan. Hanwha Q CELLS set up the largest booth at the exposition, displayed residential solutions, and launched high-power products. As the number one global solar company, they displayed various models in their portfolio and attracted a lot of visitors to their booth. Meanwhile, the affiliates in defense industry participated in the AFED 2018, held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They received a lot of attention from spectators because they displayed 17 product models and images in the mobile and firepower, precision strike, and defense electronics sectors. Starting in the Middle East, including the Saudi Arabian market, our affiliates in the defense industry used this exhibition as a steppingstone to enter the world's defense market more aggressively.

Hanwha Advanced Materials displayed SuperLite, BuffLite, IntermLite, and StrongLite, which has the number-one market share in the world, along with many other newly developed materials at the JEC World 2018, held in Paris.

This exhibition was an opportunity for Hanwha Advanced Materials to actively introduce their own R&D competitiveness and technologies to the world through the display of various light composite materials for cars and related products.

Headlines for April 2018
  1. 1. Hanwha Group - Was covered by the media for its fireworks show and the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics torch
  2. 2. Hanwha Group & Hanwha Eagles - Received People's Choice Advertising Awards
  3. 3. Hanwha Group - Reopened its employee communication channel website, Channel H Plus
  4. 4. Hanwha Systems - Held a dedication ceremony of the largest antenna system testing facility 
  5. 5. Hanwha Affiliates - Participated in the exhibitions held throughout the world
Headlines for March 2018

Headlines for March 2018


1. [Hanwha Group] President Moon Visited Hanwha Q CELLS’ Jincheon Plant

President Moon Jae-in visited Hanwha Q CELLS’ Jincheon plant to attend a Hanwha Q CELLS’ Job sharing declaration ceremony. This was President Moon’s first stop on his tour of the top 10 corporations’ business operations. Hanwha Q CELLS is contributing to the balanced development of the local economy by creating 500 new jobs. Hanwha Q CELLS held a job sharing declaration ceremony at their Jincheon plant in Chungcheongbuk-do Province.

At the ceremony, President Moon said in his speech that Hanwha Q CELLS offers an example of how to implement harmony between the union and management and Hanwha Q CELLS is a global solar company whose vision aligns with the 3020 new renewable energy policy. And he continued to say that Hanwha Q CELLS is contributing to the development of the nation’s economy by bringing their business operations back to Korea while other companies are taking their business abroad.

President Moon’s visit to the Jincheon plant was meaningful because his visit recognized the Jincheon plant as one of outstanding business operations that are actively implementing government policies such as expansion of new renewable energy, balanced development of the local economy, local job creation, and reduction of working hours.

2. [Hanwha Group] Opening of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games, which Korea was finally able to host after three bids, held its opening ceremony and touched the people all around the world with a message of peace. The fireworks that illuminated the main stadium were made by Hanwha and the fireworks filled the spectator’s hearts with peace. Thanks to the fireworks and the splendid performances that displayed Korea’s culture, tradition, and cutting-edge technology, the opening ceremony captivated the world.

A total of seven different types of fireworks were displayed at the opening ceremony, and they were well received by the world.

The finale of Hanwha’s fireworks show featured twirlers, dancing and singing Dokkaebi, the mischievous goblins of Korean folklore, during the ‘Flame of Hope’ segment of the opening ceremony.

As Hanwha delivered a message of peace to the world, we hope to see the PyeongChang Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games conclude with peace and people at the center of these sporting events.

3. [Hanwha Group] Held 2017 Hanwha Social Contribution Awards

Each affiliate of Hanwha is carrying out social contribution activities which are based on Hanwha’s social contribution philosophy and reflecting both their business and geological features. In order to recognize various efforts to bring about the increase of company value and social change, and go beyond traditional supporting projects for the underprivileged, the Group held the 2017 Hanwha Social Contribution Awards.

This year’s Hanwha Social Contribution Awards involved 30 affiliates and 82 Hanwha offices. The Group selected awards recipients that achieved outstanding results from their social contribution activities during 2017. This year’s awards were more meaningful because they invited the evaluators from outside to evaluate the recipients’ social contribution activities in order to find ways to improve the existing programs.

At the awards ceremony, Hanwha Chemical H.Q., which had carried out exemplary social contribution activities during the year, received the grand prize, Hanwha Life H.Q. received the excellent prize, and outstanding prizes went to Hanwha Systems H.Q., Hanwha Hotels & Resorts H.Q., and the Hanwha Techwin Changwon Plant.

In order to make the world warmer and more beautiful, each and every one of us should try our best to engage in social contribution activities.

4. [Hanwha Systems] Opened Research Center for the Convergence of National Defense and Artificial Intelligence with KAIST

Recently, the national defense field has been actively searching for ways to utilize 4th industrial revolution technologies in order to respond effectively to a network-centered national defense field. To this end, Hanwha Systems shook hands with Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to develop artificial intelligence, an important element of the 4th industrial revolution.

By running this research center together, Hanwha Systems and KAIST want to establish a cooperation system to study topics related to the convergence of national defense and AI, explore opportunities for technical advices, and exchange and train researchers.

At this center, they have selected four artificial intelligence-based studies: a command decision support system, an unmanned submarine hybrid navigation algorithm, an aircraft training system, and intelligent object tracking and recognition technology. The goal is to accelerate research into the convergence of national defense and AI technology through this industry-university collaborative partnership.

Hanwha Systems has proven advanced technology in defense electronics systems, and we hope to see their AI technology lead the 4th industrial revolution in the defense sector.

5. [Hanwha Group] Held 2018 New Executives Training Program

Becoming an executive means becoming a transformational leader who provides vision to the employees to enable them to realize the organization’s mission. The Group held a training session for new members of the executive team who became the next generation leaders as of January 1st. At the training session, they defined the roles of a leader and discussed how to become a true leader.

The three days of training wrapped up at the Plaza hotel. The new executives spent pleasant and valuable time with their spouses who had supported them on their journey to become executives at a banquet with a special lecture on a humanities topic.

Those who attended the training reconfirmed that a sense of duty, pride, and self-respect build the strong foundation that supports the organization. These new leaders are now standing on a new starting line. We look forward to seeing them do their best for the company’s innovation and organizational development.

Headlines for March 2018
  1. 1. Hanwha Group - President Moon Visited Hanwha Q CELLS’ Jincheon Plant
  2. 2. Hanwha Group - Opening of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games
  3. 3. Hanwha Group - Held 2017 Hanwha Social Contribution Awards
  4. 4. Hanwha Systems - Opened Research Center for the Convergence of National Defense and Artificial Intelligence with KAIST
  5. 5. Hanwha Group - Held 2018 New Executives Training Program
Headlines for January 2018

Headlines for February 2018


1. [Hanwha Group] Attended the 2018 The World Economic Forum in Davos

The Davos World Economic Forum is an event where people from global companies and other sectors come to meet. Dong Kwan Kim, Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Vice-President of Hanwha Q CELLS, Kim Hee Cheol, CEO of Hanwha Total Petrochemical, Youn-Chul Kim, CEO of Hanwha Corporation/ Machinery Division, and Yong-Hyun Kim, CEO of Hanwha Asset Management attended this year’s forum, and they met over 200 global leaders in 60 business meetings over four days.

These Hanwha executives explored the importance of preemptively dominating the core technology of the 4th industrial revolution, discussed the recent transformation of the energy industry due to fluctuations in oil prices, and they discussed ways to connect traditional finance and the 4th industrial revolution.

Thanks to the wisdom and experience of other global leaders and the collective intelligence of the world’s scholars, it has been determined that this year’s forum has played a vital and necessary role in Hanwha Group’s quest for future competitiveness as a global leader amid the fast-changing currents of the current global economy. We look forward to seeing Hanwha expand our global networks and strengthen our global status at future gatherings of the World Economic Forum.

2. [Hanwha Group] Donated Tickets to the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games to International Military Officers in Korea

In his New Year’s message, Chairman Seung Youn Kim reminded the employees that the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games will be held next month, and we must show our support for this national event since the eyes of the world will be on Korea. To fulfill this promise of support, Hanwha Group purchased 1,400 tickets to the Olympic Games and donated 300 of them.

At the donation ceremony attended by Lee Tae-jong, CEO of Hanwha Corporation, and Lee Hee-beom, the president of the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Hanwha donated 300 tickets to 80 international military officers who represent 27 countries and who are studying national defense, foreign affairs, military education, and Korean language here in Korea.

Also, the Group will donate tickets to disadvantaged people by matching Hanwha employees and social welfare organizations that are sponsored by Hanwha. We cheer for a successful winter Olympics, which should be remembered as not as the nation’s Olympics, but as our Olympics.

3. [Hanwha Q CELLS] Held the Inauguration Ceremony of the Hanwha Q CELLS Golf Team

Since its start in March 2011, Team Hanwha, the ladies’ professional golf team, has been sponsored by the Group. Starting this year, the team will be sponsored by Hanwha Q CELLS and will start the year with the new name, Team Hanwha Q CELLS.

There are nine players on the 2018 Hanwha Q CELLS golf team. The players include the existing members of Team Hanwha who are playing in the LPGA: Kim In-kyung, Ji Eun-hee, Nomura Haru, Shin Ji-eun, and Nelly Korda, players who are playing in the JLPGA: Lee Min-young and Yoon Chae-young, and Kim Ji-hyun who is playing in the KLPGA. They newly recruited Lee Jung-min, who has eight wins in the KLPGA.

Since the golf team was organized in 2011, they have collected a total of 22 wins. The year 2017 was a special year because the team became a prestigious one, having 10 wins in the US, Korea, and Japan combined thanks to the support system for the players.

Hanwha Q CELLS will continue to provide a system of support, recruit promising players, and actively carry out sports marketing for the Hanwha Q CELLS golf team. We look forward to having Hanwha members’ interest in and support for Team Hanwha Q CELLS.

Headlines for February 2018
  1. 1. Hanwha Group - Attended the 2018 The World Economic Forum in Davos
  2. 2. Hanwha Group - Donated Tickets to the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games to International Military Officers in Korea
  3. 3. Hanwha Q CELLS - Held the Inauguration Ceremony of the Hanwha Q CELLS Golf Team

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