Hanwha Worldwide News

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  • Hanwha Group Hanwha Group plants the 5th ‘Solar Forest’
    with Eagles’ fans

    A campaign started off back in 2011 in an effort to stop antidesertification due to environmental concerns, created its most recent forest located in Seosan, Korea.

    On May 30th, through laying the groundwork for 1,700 seedlings in Seosan, Hanwha Group has successfully planted its 5th Solar Forest under the theme ‘encouragement and effort for growth’, where it has profound meaning of encouraging 2nd string players of Eagles, Hanwha Group's professional baseball team.

    Hanwha’s ‘Solar Forest’ initiative has been enlarging its contribution to air and water purification in addition to preventing desertification and soil erosion across the globe. The campaign has been particularly active in Mongolia and China by planting 440,000 trees across 1,160,000 square meters in accumulation. Hanwha Group plants the 5th ‘Solar Forest’with Eagles’ fans

    Hanwha Q CELLS Hanwha Q CELLS receives prestigious Terawatt Award in Shanghai

    At SNEC PV POWER EXPO 2016 in Shanghai – the world’s 4th largest international photovoltaic power generation conference alongside Japan, Europe and U.S. – Hanwha Q CELLS received the prestigious ‘Terawatt’ Award. The award is given to the top 10 companies after an assessment of technical and marketing capabilities among 1,500 companies.

    At SNEC 2016 Hanwha Q CELLS showcased its latest Q.ANTUM products and prototypes, such as the Q.PLUS series, a polycrystalline high performance solar module for optimized performance in real life conditions. In addition, the Q.ANTUM mono prototype with power classes of up to 305 watt from a 60 cell module was also showcased, demonstrating Q.ANTUM technology's readiness on both poly- and monocrystalline wafer materials, as well as a Glass-to-Glass prototype showing Q.ANTUMS applicability to all kinds of conditions and demands. Hanwha Q CELLS receives prestigious Terawatt Award in Shanghai
United States of America
  • Hanwha Techwin Hanwha Techwin America
    Held the first ever ‘Global PMI course’ with the theme of “Painting Hanwha”. The courses were devoted to improving each employee as an individual, as part of the Hanwha Group and as a team. Employees from the New Jersey Office gathered to discuss memorable moments, corporate success stories and consider their future goals as a team.
United Arab Emirates
  • Hanwha Corporation/Trade S&P World Networks DMCC
    Hosted a semi-annual meeting with representatives of regional offices in Dubai, Kenya, Iran and Turkey on May 12th and discussed the business situation of each office and their cooperation plan.
  • Hanwha Life Sino-Korea Life Insurance Sino-Korea Life Insurance wins prize at Zhenjiang
    Economic and Social Development Awards

    Sino-Korea Life Insurance won 3rd prize at the ‘2015 Zhenjiang Economic and Social Development Awards’ from the government of China’s Zhenjiang province. This award is among the most prestigious for financial institutions in the region. Sino-Korea Life Insurance wins prize at Zhenjiang Economic and Social Development Awards
  • Hanwha Chemical Hanwha Chemical Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
    Held a workshop on May 6th and 7th in order to develop strategies to achieve its annual goals and successfully implement 3S, a code of conduct for Hanwha employees stating values of smart, strong, and steady.
    Hanwha Life Sino-Korea Life Insurance
    A delegation of MDRT from Sino-Korea Life Insurance attended the ‘Hanwha Life Annual Awards’ on May 13th.
    The guests received a warm welcome from the executives in Hanwha Life.
    Sino-Korea Life Insurance named as a ‘2016 Zhenjiang top ten innovative insurance brand’ at the 11th Zhenjiang finance expo on May 18th.
  • Hanwha Life Hanwha Life Insurance (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Hanwha Life Vietnam donates 3 houses to economically disadvantaged families in Ben Tre, Vietnam

    Hanwha Life Vietnam donated three houses of love in the Ben Tre province in association with SAPP (Sponsor Association for Poor Patients of Ho Chi Minh City) and LISCC(Life Insurance Social Contribution Commitment). The donated houses are part of a planned 18 donations across Vietnam’s Bac Lieu, Ben Tre, Thanh Hoa, Da Nag and DakLak provinces, with delivery in May and June 2016. Such activity brings employees of Hanwha Life Vietnam together and gives hope to the economically disadvantaged families. Hanwha Life Vietnam to grant 3 houses to poor families in Ben Tre, Vietnam
  • Hanwha Life Hanwha Life Insurance (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.
    Held a workshop on May 6th and 7th in order to develop strategies to achieve its annual goals. AD(Agency Director) Vietnam delegates – including sales development managers and general agency directors – attended training courses at Hanwha headquarters from March 9th till May 14th. The courses offered management and production training, as well as the opportunity to attend the company’s 32nd Annual Awards. The courses also allowed participants to share their work experiences with colleagues from other regions.
  • Hanwha Life Hanwha Life Insurance (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. CAO(Chief Agency Officer) Henry Januar shares insight during Hanwha Day in Jakarta

    Held a ‘Hanwha Day’ in Gandaria City, a popular mall in Jakarta on May 22nd 2016. The event consisted of presentations, sharing sessions, entertainment and door prizes giveaway. Also, in an attempt to give guidance for principals of financial management, CAO of Hanwha Life Insurance Indonesia, Henry Januar gave a speech based on the topic “Bonus will not just come and go” to people from various level of society. CAO(Chief Agency Officer)  Henry Januar shares insight during Hanwha Day in Jakarta

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