The Hanwha Group Brings the Competitive Spirit to Life at the 2016 Chungcheong Marathon

On November 5th, the 2016 Chungcheong Marathon with Hanwha was held in Sejong Lake Park in the city of Daejeon. In its third year, over 5,000 runners participated in the marathon.

The Hanwha Group had created a festive atmosphere at the marathon. Food and entertainment were abundant with digital caricatures and photo events with trick art. At the Hanwha Green Class, participants made pinwheels and fans. At the Traditional Cultural Experience Zone, children got the opportunity to enjoy several folk games including Jegichagi¹. Four professional baseball players from the Hanwha Eagles were also on hand to sign autographs while the employees of the Hanwha Group demonstrated their music and dancing talents in the Superstar H competition.

¹ Jegichagi is a Korean traditional outdoor game. It is played with a foot and a Jegi (shaped like abadminton
  • shuttlecock and often made with paper or cloth wrapped around a coin). Players take turns kicking the Jegi to keep it in the air. You get a point for each kick before the Jegi hits the ground. The team or player with the most number of points, wins.

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