Hanwha's Spirit & Core Values

Hanwha’s Spirit & Core Values

Hanwha is a diverse group of individuals with many different background and specialties.
But every member of Hanwha believes in our core values – Challenge, Dedication, and Integrity.
These allow us to share in each other’s strengths, come closer together, and focus on common goals.
Here’s how we do it.


Treasure the relationships with
colleagues, the company, and customers
and commit to achieving a greater goal

Hanwha’s success and growth is the result of many people’s dedication.
The dedication of our predecessors is what led us through difficult times.
Caring for co-workers enabled us to overcome difficulties. This power of
dedication must continue. When we treat everyone with respect, growth
and development will follow.

The heritage of dedication was what distinguished Hanwha from other
companies in its history of development. Dedication starts from having
respect for others and treasuring relationships, both in good times and bad
times. It exists not only in personal relationships, but also at the team and
company level. We must also be dedicated to our customers.

Dedicated to a Greater Cause

Hanwha FounderChong-Hee Kim
“We must contribute to the nation and society through business.”

Chong-Hee Kim, our founder, believed that individuals must dedicate themselves to working in service of something greater than themselves.

As a business leader, he dedicated himself to growing and diversifying Hanwha Group and played a major role in Korea’s reconstruction after decades of war and occupation.

Under his leadership, Hanwha brought new industries and much-needed economic stimulation to Korea, helping his country find its footing and grow into a leading member of the global community.

Today, Hanwha honors Chong-Hee Kim’s memory by dedicating ourselves to giving back to communities throughout the world.

Hanwha Founder Chong-Hee Kim

Hanwha’s Spirit of Dedication in Action

Our strong belief in the importance of relationships is embedded in our DNA.
Hanwha is fully dedicated to our partners, customers, and, also, to one another.

From building solid relationships with leading aircraft engine manufacturing companies to combatting
the impact of climate change, Hanwha is ready to give our all to contribute to a greater cause.

Hanwha Aerospace – A Trusted Partner

Hanwha Aerospace is investing in the future of aircraft engine technology by greatly expanding its R&D and manufacturing capabilities.
This dedication has allowed us to build solid relationships based on trust with the world’s leading aircraft engine companies.

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Hanwha Powers
World Economic Forum

Through our global green initiatives, Hanwha is dedicated to helping the world reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions through the adoption of solar energy.

Hanwha donated a photovoltaic modules with a capacity of 340 kW to the Davos Congress Centre to demonstrate the feasibility of solar power to the world leaders who attend the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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How to show Dedication

“We are dedicated to our company, customers, and one another to achieve a greater goal.”

Hanwha is dedicated to helping others, as evidenced by our CSR efforts in Vietnam and community outreach in China.
All members of Hanwha around the world share the values that drive these efforts and seek to act based on the following principles.

Our action principles :
  • Consider the needs and goals of others before yourself
  • Always create value for customers and keep every promise you make
  • Trust your colleagues’ abilities and collaborate to achieve your goals
See how your Hanwha colleagues represent the Hanwha spirit of dedication:

At Hanwha, we are able to overcome even the greatest of difficulties thanks to the dedication of our members all over the world.
We are dedicated to being the best we can be!

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