Hanwha's Spirit & Core Values

Hanwha’s Spirit & Core Values

Hanwha is a diverse group of individuals with many different background and specialties.
But every member of Hanwha believes in our core values – Challenge, Dedication, and Integrity.
These allow us to share in each other’s strengths, come closer together, and focus on common goals.
Here’s how we do it.


Adhere to principles, be impartial,
and take pride in doing so

Sustainable growth is the ultimate goal of every company, including ours.
However, we should not be obsessed with our growth targets and ignore
transparency and impartiality in achieving them. Integrity has been
important to Hanwha, even during periods of distress. It is our challenge to continue this excellent tradition.

Keeping promises, being responsible, and adhering to moral principles
were the building blocks of Hanwha throughout its history of growth and
development. Hanwha takes pride in the fact that we have held integrity
as the most basic and fundamental value of all three.

Our emphasis on basic principles has long been our guideline and will
continue to sustain our growth.

Always Acting with Integrity

“Every business activity at Hanwha must adhere to the highest ethical standards based on trust and loyalty.”

Maintaining integrity is part of our three core values that guides us in everything we do, from how we interact with our customers and partners to how we work internally going hand-in-hand with how we also do business, with trust and loyalty. Hanwha is determined to set the global standard for corporate compliance and that is why we’re undergoing a series of major structural reforms to bring ethical business management to the forefront and establish new guidelines to improve honesty and transparency across all our divisions.

Read more about Compliance Committee

Hanwha’s Spirit of Integrity in Action

At Hanwha, integrity is not just about how we conduct ourselves but also about working
together to create opportunities where everyone may find success.

Hanwha Life Vietnam, Business with a Conscience

In 2017, Hanwha Life Vietnam was selected as one of Vietnam’s Top 10 sustainable businesses by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in recognition of the company’s outreach efforts.Hanwha makes it a priority to give back to the communities in which it operates. Whether it be economically, socially, or environmentally, Hanwha will always reach out to offer a helping hand.

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Delivering a Greener Future (Orange is the New Green)

Environmental sustainability is one of Hanwha’s key pillars. From reducing carbon emissions in energy production to planting vast forests to combat desertification, Hanwha is committed to building a sustainable future for everyone.

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How to show Integrity

At Hanwha, we are committed to conducting ourselves with integrity regardless of the situation.
Whether at work, at home, or elsewhere, we are determined to be the best versions of ourselves in all that we do.

Our action principles :
  • Do not be swayed by immediate gains. Be honest and stick to the principles
  • Draw a line between business and personal matters. Be impartial and treat others based on their performance and achievements
See how your Hanwha colleagues represent the Hanwha spirit of integrity:

Through our core value of integrity, everyone at Hanwha strives to act with the utmost professionalism and to give others the chance
to pursue the opportunities available to us.

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